A lot of women out there gets afraid whenever they've missed their period, or their period flow is less than what they expected, or even when their period is just pure out of control and just flow endlessly that could actually scare them a lot. A lot of them might have wished that their period would just talk or speak to them like, "Hey woman, you are pregnant that's why you're bleeding less than what you should be." But that thought is a bit ridiculous, right?

There are women who has cramps that hurts so much that they needed to drink some ibuprofen just to ease the pain that they're feeling, so its a bit hard being a woman, sometimes they're even thinking as to why guys don't have periods too so that it'll be fair, but anyways your menstrual cycle can actually tell you about what your current health issue is.
Menstrual Cycle changes a lot, like its frequency, its amount, the flow, and even the span of time when you have it. Older women tends to say that younger females should not bath when its their time of the month so that they'll have regular periods, but seriously, who wouldn't bath when you're excreting so much dirty blood?
- If you have light flows when you have your monthly period, then your pituitary gland or your thyroid might have an issue. Don't panic if you use birth control pills as its usual to have light flows when you take pills, but if you have light flows when you don't take pills, then that means that you actually might have hormonal imbalance, so you should talk to a gynecologist so that they'll recommend whats good to do for your health.
- Sudden bleeding through your monthly period can be caused by a cervical or a uterine polyps. If you are taking pills it is quite normal to experience some bleeding unexpectedly, but if you aren't on pills, then you might have a cervical or uterine polyps, which is caused by too much estrogen in your body. Bleeding in your private part might also mean that you have cancer, so you better get checked with your gynecologist to be safe.
*Overgrowth of cells in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) leads to the formation of uterine polyps, also known as endometrial polyps. These polyps are usually noncancerous (benign), although some can be cancerous or can eventually turn into cancer (precancerous polyps.)
- If you experience having unbearable cramps for days a lot, then think again, as it might have deceived you already. A lot of women would think that its normal to go through and endure the pain that they've been feeling. Better go to your gynecologist and have it checked.
- Having a late monthly period can be a sign that you might be pregnant, but its also a sign of having a hormonal imbalance. There are some points that you should note in your mind, like your ovulation might not be normal, or you might be having PCOS or PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome which could make your fertile days to be difficult to identify. If incase you are obese or if you have less fat in your body, then you might get to deal with serious hormonal imbalance problem. Make sure to consult your gynecologist immediately.
*Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that affects millions of women. Sometimes it's called Stein-Leventhal syndrome. All bodies need both "male" and "female" hormones to work right, but a woman with PCOS has too much of the male kind. This creates problems with your ovaries: You might have irregular periods or no periods, and you could get cysts in a "string of pearls" pattern. PCOS is also a common cause of infertility. The condition can't be cured, but it can be treated.
- If the color of your discharge is somewhat similar to a cranberry juice, then it means that your monthly period is normal, but if its different, then you might have an estrogen imbalance.
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