1. Children who spent an hour gaming are much happier, less hyperactive, more adjustable, and social than those children who don't play any games at all.
Parents out there should let their children play games too, since it doesn't have any negative influence over children, well except for those killing games which aren't appropriate for their age. That's why parents should check out the games that their children are playing. Games can be a good source of cognitive behavior that becomes enhanced as it is involved in using the imagination and also the alertness of wanting to win the game.

2. Games can train a person's brain neurons in making accurate and faster decisions.
You might have seen a picture of a person in the internet doing multitasking, or being still in track of things even if they were in a chaotic environment, like the picture above. The fast the game is, or the more it has action in it, then the more faster that your brain will react and make decisions.

3. Gamers has a high chance of dreaming that they can consciously control, than those who don't.

4. A game of Tetris can cut down your cravings for food, drugs, and even sex.
Whenever you are craving for something it takes a little distraction for you to refrain that craving of yours. Like playing tetris, the more you win, the more you want to play and the more time you'll spend playing the game, then the more distraction it will do to you and will refrain you from doing anything to satisfy your cravings.

5. Female Gamers are more likely to have happier relationships and better sex lives that those who don't play.
There was a survey conducted by Harris Interactive in which they found out that female gamers ends up having a better life and sex life than those non-gamer women. "I'm a female gamer, and I've met the love of my life in a game too. We are both happy with our relationship."
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