Home Remedies That Could Lighten & Whiten Your Dark Armpits & Underarms Fast!

   Have you felt embarrassed in front of someone because of your dark and sweaty underarms? Are you scared of wearing off shoulder or sleeveless top? Then you don't have to worry anymore because we're here to give you some easy home remedies that could help you to lighten and whiten up those dark underarms of yours!      Having a dark underarm is one of the problem that a person could have, and this is characterized by having a discoloration on the skin in the armpits plus the excessive underarm sweating, which is known as Axillary Hyperhidrosis.

*Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by abnormally increased sweating, in excess of that required for regulation of body temperature. Hyperhidrosis can be associated with a quality of life burden from a psychological, emotional, and social perspective. It has been called by some 'the silent handicap'.
     You can get rid of your dark underarms by using the home remedies that we listed below! Take note that you need to use these for only a short period of time so you won't spend a lot of money on surgeries or medical treatments, etc.

     The main cause of having dark underarms is from shaving, hair removal creams, sweating a lot, excessive weight/obesity, using of different alcohol deodorants and perfumes, so to get rid of those dark and sweaty underarms and to help you restore your confidence, you just need to put your effort, some of your time, and patience, and these home remedies will surely be effective on your underarms!

So what are these Home Remedies that could help you enlighten your underarm?

1. Baking Soda

     Mix Baking Soda and Water to make a thick paste, then scrub it on your underarms and let it rest for at least 10 minutes, wash it off then dry the area with a clean towel thoroughly. Repeat this at least 3 times a week. This will help you lighten your dark underarm and also neutralize your smelly underarm.

2. Cucumber + Lemon + Turmeric

     Extract the juice from the cucumber and mix it with a little turmeric powder, and lemon juice and apply the paste on your underarms. Leave it for about 30 minutes, then wash it off with water. You can also rub a thin slice of cucumber on your underarms if you're too lazy to make a paste.

3. Coconut Oil

     Massage your dark underarms with coconut oil and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it with mild soap and lukewarm water then repeat the process daily to achieve the desired result that you wanted.

4. Lemon

     Lemon can work as a natural bleach and also a powerful antibacterial and antiseptic agent that can help in whitening your dark underarms. You only need to cut a slice of lemon then rub it on the skin and let it sit for about 10 minutes and wash it with water. Repeat the process at least 3 times a week.

5. Milk + Flour + Yogurt

     Mix 2 tablespoon of Full Fat Milk, 1 tablespoon of Flour, and one Teaspoon of Plain Yogurt and make sure to combine them nicely and produce a thick paste. Apply the paste on your underarms and leave it for about 15 minutes then wash it with cold water. Repeat this at least  3 to 4 times a week.

6. Orange Peel + Rose Water + Milk

     Dry some Orange Peels in the Sun for a few days until they dry out completely. Grind them and mix them with rose water and milk to make a thick paste. Scrub it on your underarms the leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes then wash it with cold water. Repeat this process for at least 3 to 4 times a week.

7.  Potato

      Slice a thin slice of potato and rub it on your underarms. You can also grate the potato and add its juice on your underarms, allow it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process daily if you can.

8. Vinegar + Rice Flour

     Mix rice flour with vinegar to form a thick paste. Make sure that you have taken a hot shower first before applying this paste on your underarms so that your pores will be open when you applied it. Allow the paste to dry for at least 15 minutes, then rinse it with lukewarm water. Repeat this at least 4 times a week.

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