1. Mushroom
Not every kinds of mushrooms is created equal. Cremini mushrooms might make perfect pasta toppers, but some species of mushrooms contains poisons that can kill you.
2. Castor Oil

3. Hot Dogs
Hot dogs is one of the common reason when in terms to choking fatalities among children. So it's recommended to watch your kid while eating this kind of food because their airway is still small and because of that it's much easier when a piece of hot dog gets stuck on their airway and can cause their death because of panic and lack of air.
4. Live Octopus

5. Peanuts
One of the most common allergies that can be triggered is from eating peanuts. The most severe response is called anaphylaxis, which can lead you to have severe constriction of the airway, shock, or loss of consciousness.
6. Fugu (Puffer Fish)
Fugu's skin and its certain organs contains extremely poisonous toxin that can paralyze your body and even cause death. In Japan only a few chefs knows how to handle Fugu fish because of its poisonous parts, eating fugu sashimi is one of the only in Japan food that you can try.
7. Shellfish
An allergy reaction to shellfish can inhibit breathing and even be a life-threatening.
8. Rhubarb Leaves
The rhubarb leaves are poisonous in which it can lead to having trouble in breathing, seizures, kidney failure and even worst, death.
9. Stone Fruits Seeds and Apple Seeds
They contain amygdalin, a compound that can produce cyanide. Large intake can lead to dizziness and vomiting, increased blood pressure, coma, kidney failure and death.
10. Raw Meat and Uncooked Eggs
Raw meat, sea foods,poultry and uncooked eggs contains salmonella bacteria, which can cause gastroenteritis in humans. Salmonella poisoning can also lead to serious problems.
11. Ackee
This contains toxins that can lead to death, so you need to ripen it fully.
12. Elderberry
This plant is used in medicinal syrups, sodas and liquors, but it can also cause a severely upset stomach, it's better if you stay away from the stems and leaves.
13. Almonds
Almonds maybe pack of many health benefits, but it also contains poisonous substances. A raw bitter almonds are full of cyanide.
14. Cherries
Seeds of cherries contains poisonous hydrogen cyanide.
15. Potatoes
Potatoes has poisonous stems and leaves, but potato poisoning is a very rare case.
16. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contains poison, glycoalkaloid in its leaves, which is known for causing upset stomachs anxiety and even severe cramping.
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