Effective Remedy Against High Blood Pressure & Bad Cholesterol!

     Some people thought that having a High Blood Pressure isn't that serious at all, that's why we're here to remind everyone on what could happen when someone has a High Blood Pressure and what remedy can we do, to try to make the Blood Pressure to go back to normal.
     So, High Blood Pressure is also known as Hypertension, and it is a serious health problem that could eventually lead to diseases, and even heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. Having a High Blood Pressure is usually a bad sign that there's something wrong within you, so you need to have medical check-ups just to be sure.

     Lifestyle plays an important role in order to treat High Blood Pressure. Vices such as Alcoholic Drinks, and Cigarettes can affect you in a bad way, also the food that you eat plays an important role in lowering High Blood Pressure, and if you have successfully controlled your Blood Pressure by having a healthy lifestyle, you can avoid or even reduce the need for medication.

     If you have been diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, you might get worried with the medicines that you'll be taking plus the price of those medications that you needed. Don't worry as there's a simple and a homemade easy recipe and remedy for your High Blood Pressure.
Here are the Ingredients that you need:
  • 1 Grated Garlic Clove
  • 1 Teaspoon of Lemon Juice
  • 1 Piece of Grated Ginger
  • 1 Teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (Available in Supermarkets/Groceries)
  • 1 Teaspoon of Organic Honey (Available in Supermarkets/Groceries/Public Markets)
Here is the preparation:
  1. Use a blender and put the ingredients on it.
  2. Blend the ingredients all together to make a juice.
  3. Store the juice in the refrigerator for a duration of 5 days.
  4. Drink the juice before eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. (Don't drink more than 3 times.)
     There's an option of straining the juice after you blend it for a smoother texture, since some blenders can't blend it all the way until there's no more pieces on it. You can watch the video below for a much better explanation.

Source: ArtikuloUnoNews

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