Several netizens could not help but notice about the strong physical resemblance of Glenn Krishnan to the 2015 Miss Universe, Pia Wurtzbach.
Some Internet users even labeled Krishnan as Wurtzbach’s doppelganger.
Netizens say that Krishnan can easily pass as the twin sister of Pia.
Krishnan made in November after netizens noticed her similarities with Wurtzbach based on her photos posted online.
Krishnan is the younger sister of former courtside reporter Ganiel Krishnan, who finished third in the Miss Asia Pacific International 2016 beauty pageant.
Their mother is a Filipino, while their father is Indian-Singaporean.
Enjoying pleasurable s *x not only has to do with adopting new practices or changing the routine.. but also with keeping your sx ual health optimal and in perfect condition.
Something as simple as peeing right after the end of the sxu al act brings great benefits for you and your body, helping to fight infections that may endanger your physical well-being. By having s*x, those microbes and bacteria in the genital area and rctu m can enter and accumulate in the urethra, running the risk of infection occur in the bladder. In fact, it has been shown that this is one of the most common causes of urinary tract infections in women, and that is why, in order to avoid it, experts stress the importance to urinate right after s* x .
Furthermore, doctors say, unlike men, female ejacu lati0n does not occur through the urethra so the only way to draw and expel all those substances or particles that are introduced during penetr ati0n is through urination, so it is recommended not to forget this, once completed interc0urse. It is advised not to take your time and to urinate preferably within 45 minutes after penet rati0n.
We also insist on the use of c0nd oms as safer and more reliable way to protect against these infections and also of s*xu ally transmitted diseases that can seriously endanger your health and your partner.
Once you are aware of the importance to urinate after s *x, remember that maintaining good personal hygiene just before and after s *x is also key to avoiding infection in the urinary tract, protect your health and enjoy the total comfort of your intim@te encounters. Especially for women prone to cystitis, the vgin al area should be washed with water and a little neutral pH soap at the end.
Deprivation of sleep is an epidemic which has emerged across the world. Particularly in the 21st century, when technology has taken over our days and gadgets such as mobile phones have become our best friends, we waste more time with Facebook and Snapchat daily than we do with our actual friends. Mobile phones are embedded in our lives so deep that on an average every human being with a mobile device receives a notification every third minute, all across the day.
I have been an entrepreneur for 7 years now, ever since I was still in the first year of my college. Pulling all-nighters is kind of a habit by now. In my life, something or the other breaks down every single day and I am fire-fighting at almost any given moment in life. Sometimes, I can not sleep because there is so much work to do, sometimes due to excessive pressure and too much excitement remains the reason for the rest of the days.
None of this can be an excuse for not sleeping well. There are multiple reasons why you cannot be sleep deprived and need to put sleep on your 'priority task' list. American Academy for Sleep Medicine says that one in every three adults is suffering from lack of sleep today.
I must be one of them. Are you? Let's find out.
Within 48 hours, your body is under lack of Oxygen.
As oxygen level reduces your body, your athletic abilities start to slow down and you tend to feel slower than usual. Within 72 hours, the body starts to feel agitated, concentration hits a new low and you become accident prone in case you are driving.
There is a lot more that happens if you lose sleep on regular basis. I have tried to compile some of them for you here:
Lack of sleep makes you dumb.
Yes, that's correct. Research conducted by US military says, "Losing one hour of sleep per night for a week will cause a level of cognitive degradation equivalent to a 10 blood alcohol level."
You start to lose your memory.
Just like the book-keeping exercise in the accounts department of an organization, our brains do its book-keeping as well and it does that when we are asleep. There is a brain event called "sharp wave ripples" which is responsible for consolidating memory.
This brain event occurs during the deepest of sleep and so directly impacts the memory if you are sleep deprived.
It makes you highly unproductive.
You are getting dumb and you are losing memory, don't tell me you didn't see this one coming. You gotta get unproductive if the above two are happening for any reason whatsoever, leave apart the sleep.
Reducing your week from 6 days to 5 and your daily working hours and using that time to improve your sleeping habits will result in high productivity, always. Henry Ford proved the same with data.
Depression is waiting for you.
It happens to me. Every single time I find myself working late night for a week or so in a row, my behavior changes. I am usually not-so-positive towards things and my happiness level hits an all-time low. I tend to avoid people in office and on calls. Mostly I am people's guy but during those days, I like to be alone and be quite all the time.
For me, it takes good long sleep and a lot of movies are what help me to come back to normalcy.
s3x - Yes, that is affected as well.
At least now you will start to take this issue seriously. This one is pretty obvious, though. A man/woman who is agitated at all times is not productive at work and is feeling depressed can never perform well during the intercourse as well.
Men with 'sleep apnea' have a low level of testosterone and this explains the situation anyways. Don't you dare ask me how am I doing in bed!
Sleep well if you hate getting fat.
Look at this picture, I said - Look at this picture twice my friend. I know you hate it. Here is what you gotta do - Start sleeping well.
You age faster.
Last but not the least, lack of sleep helps you die faster (pun intended). Remember that dry skin and puffy eyes after your all-nighter at the office? That's exactly the sign of you aging faster. Cortisol is a hormone that increases stress in the body and lack of sleep increases that a lot. Also, lack of sleep leads to low secretion of Human Growth Hormone.
I know you want to live long and so do I. Now you know, what you need to do.
Life as we know it has changed in the 21st century for all of us. As an entrepreneur, maybe it's a little tougher than everyone else. When everyone is running the race of doing more, why not try something when we can actually 'Do more by doing less'.
Some people will have their face turn extremely red when they drink alcohol, and it is not a good sign.
Those who do turn red after drinking alcohol have a condition called alcohol flush reaction. They’re literally poisoning their bodies whenever they drink. Following is a transcript of the video.
Here’s why some people turn red when they drink. It’s a condition called “alcohol flush reaction.” Side effects include flushed skin, nausea, headache, and rapid heartbeat.
The cause is a buildup of acetaldehyde in the body. Acetaldehyde is highly toxic and a known carcinogen. When alcohol hits the liver, it metabolizes into acetaldehyde.
Usually, it’s quickly converted to a safer form, acetate. But people with alcohol flush reaction are different. Their body turns alcohol into acetaldehyde faster. But their liver takes more time to turn acetaldehyde into acetate.
The results are A less intense “buzz,” harsher side effects from acetaldehyde poisoning, and long-term, a higher risk of mouth and throat cancers.
Alcohol flush reaction is a genetic condition. It’s thought to originate among the Han Chinese, in central China. Over the centuries, it has spread throughout East Asia. An estimated 1/3 of East Asians have it.
Since the condition is genetic, there is no cure. The upside? Those afflicted often avoid excessive drinking and alcoholism.
Many have heard of the advantages the body captures from special relationships, but did you know that you can cure some diseases by making love often? For this cause today you will know which are the 10 sufferings that you can cure with this action.
In addition, the practice of intimacy is transformed into benefits from mental health, incontinence, blood circulation, among others. So pay close attention and find out what these diseases are, surely more than one of them could not imagine.
Take note!. Do you want to know more? Keep Reading … Remember To Share This With Your Friends.
By keeping intimacy often, it will help you in the good functioning of the heart. According to the experts indicate that it reduces the danger of heart attacks and other heart problems.
To calm a headache, this practice is very effective, as they release oxytocin and increase endorphins. Even these hormones help the body and mind to relax naturally.
Improves self-esteem as it is a truly effective antidepressant.
When you are in a state of relaxation to the maximum, tensions are released and sleep is favored.
Also, having intimacy with normal, helps to combat urinary incontinence, as it strengthens the pelvis and prevents hated urine leakage.
Believe it or not, it also works for the flu, so if you have flu, it is better to make love, being a great natural remedy. This is because antibody production is discharged during pleasure, and because of this it becomes a potent antiviral.
If you want a perfectly relaxing, having intimacy is the solution since it is the best exercise to combat muscle and joint overloads.
It serves, also to have a shiny skin, as it releases toxins which are reflected directly in the appearance of the skin.
It can also help you reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer. It becomes a barrier to protect against the appearance of possible tumors.
It is a protective barrier against breast cancer, in the same way as the prostate. The stimulation of the breast causes the woman to release oxytocin a hormone that protects the appearance of this kind of cancer.
Now you know others of the benefits of making love to cure some ailments like these.
Also, do not forget to share with your friends that you think they need it. Always consult your doctor with any questions you may have about a medical condition.
The next time someone at your office lets out a "silent but deadly" emission, maybe you should thank them.
A new study at the University of Exeter in England suggests that exposure to hydrogen sulfide — a.k.a. what your body produces as bacteria breaks down food, causing gas — could prevent mitochondria damage. Yep, the implication is what you're thinking: People are taking the research to mean that smelling farts could prevent disease and even cancer.
The study, published in the Medicinal Chemistry Communications journal, found that hydrogen sulfide gas in rotten eggs and flatulence could be a key factor in treating diseases.
"Although hydrogen sulfide gas is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced in the body and could in fact be a healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of diseases," Dr. Mark Wood, a professor at the University of Exeter, said in a statement.
While hydrogen sulfide gas is harmful in large doses, the study suggests that "a whiff here and there has the power to reduce risks of cancer, strokes, heart attacks, arthritis, and dementia by preserving mitochondria," Time reports.
Dr. Matt Whiteman, a University of Exeter professor who worked on the study, said in a statement that researchers are even replicating the natural gas in a new compound, AP39, to reap its health benefits. The scientists are delivering "very small amounts" of AP39 directly into mitochondrial cells to repair damage, which "could hold the key to future therapies," the university's statement reveals.
You'll have to decide for yourself, though, whether exposure to hydrogen sulfide in flatulence is worth the potential health benefits.
Most grocery stores have a sanitary wipe dispenser located near their shopping carts. While these wipes are intended to stop germs from spreading, police believe they can help prevent something much worse than the common cold.
The Leachville Police Department in Leachville, Arkansas shared the following warning on Facebook yesterday,
Fentanyl, aka fentanil, is an opiod pain-killer that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. Illicit recreational use of the drug has skyrocketed in the last two years. A 10-year-old boy from Miami died in June, 2017 after coming into contact with the substance at his neighborhood pool.
“We believe that it was somewhere between the park or the pool or the sidewalk, or maybe he touched something,” said Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle in an interview with NBC.
A police from Ohio nearly died after handling fentanyl during a drug arrest in April of this year. “The spread of fentanyl means that any encounter a law enforcement officer has with an unidentified white powder could be fatal,” said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.